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Zhaikmunai LP

Рейтинг сайта

Zhaikmunai is an independent oil and gas enterprise currently engaging in the exploration, production and sale of crude oil and gas condensate in northwestern Kazakhstan. Zhaikmunai’s field and licence area is the Chinarevskoye Field located in the northern part of the oil-rich Pre-Caspian Basin.

The Chinarevskoye Field, approximately 274 square kilometres in size, is located in the province of Batys Kazakhstan, near the border between Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, and close to several major pipelines. The west Kazakhstan administrative centre of Uralsk (or Oral, in Kazakh) is approximately 80 kilometres southwest of Chinarevskoye Field.


Категория сайта: Производство и поставки | Химия, минералы, нефтедобыча

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